Justified star Nick Searcy is lending his voice–and support–to the crowdfunding campaign behind the upcoming Gosnell TV movie.

Searcy, who flexes his Twitter muscle to promote conservatism and beat back false liberal attacks, shot a new video to convince Americans to support a film about convicted child killer and late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell.

“[Gosnell] killed hundreds of babies, perhaps thousands,” Searcy says. “In his clinic, babies were born breathing, moving, crying and then he would stab them to death, and he did it again and again and again.”

The reason why many Americans don’t know the horrifying details of Gosnell’s case is simple, as Searcy sees it: “The details are too damaging to certain political agendas.” Journalists refused to cover it in proportion to its obvious news value, something the film hopes to correct.

“It will show the media that Americans want the truth about Gosnell to be discovered,” he says.

That’s where New Media comes in.

“The only way this film will ever be made is by going around the Hollywood system, and we have the power to make that happen,” he says.