The new film Wolf Creek 2 showcases the kind of revolting images typical of the “torture porn” horror genre.

The sight of Mick Taylor torturing tourists can’t compare to a real image of jars filled with the feet of slain babies in a new video connected to the upcoming Gosnell TV movie.

The filmmakers behind the project, currently raising money via IndieGogo, released a harrowing clip today recalling grand jury testimony in the Kermit Gosnell trial. The transcripts detail how Gosnell would cut the feet off of the babies he aborted and store them in jars.

Gosnell is the convicted child killer and late-term abortionist whose crimes were either ignored or downplayed by both the press and Hollywood, according to filmmakers Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney. It’s why they decided to make the TV movie–to chronicle one of the country’s most notorious serial killers and honor his tiny victims.

Warning: The following video features upsetting imagery: