Veteran actor Joe Morton of Scandal fame thinks the biggest problem facing President Barack Obama is not the stalled economy, the fallout from the upcoming Benghazi investigation, or health care reform regret.

It’s those darn Republicans.

Morton shared that view while visiting Washington, D.C. over the weekend to ask Congress for more National Endowment of the Arts funding.

Morton said the Republicans in Congress are Obama’s greatest problem.

“It does no good for the country, I mean, to put your ideals above the needs of the country – it’s a travesty,” Morton said.

His fellow Scandal star, Tony Goldwyn, echoed a similar theme during his time in D.C.

“I would like to see [Obama] keep up the strength of the convictions that he has to get stuff done and sort of plow through a lot of the resistance that’s been coming his way,” said Goldwyn.