The plan to make a TV movie about convicted late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell started on the wrong foot when a major crowdfunding web site threatened to shut it down before it even started.

Today, the Gosnell movie is officially a go after the filmmakers reached their $2.1 million goal at the alternative site Indiegogo. Credit conservative stars like Kevin Sorbo and Nick Searcy who helped promote the project via heartfelt videos. New Media outlets also deserve applause for spreading the word about a film that the mainstream media preferred to ignore.

But the public, ultimately, helped make the movie a reality by giving in record numbers. More than 23,000 donors chipped in to the campaign. And, in doing so, sent a message to the Hollywood community that it no longer can keep out projects it doesn’t embrace.

The film’s $2.1 million goal represents the largest target of any crowdfunded film to date. And the project hit that mark with four days to spare.

The movie will focus on Gosnell’s horrific actions in connection to his 40-years operating an abortion practice. The atrocities reported during his trial were mostly ignored or downplayed by national news outlets. That, in part was why the filmmakers behind the project were motivated to create the film. They also want people to remember the lives lost at the hands of the Philadelphia abortionist.

“The media and Hollywood normally love serial killers. There are movies and whole TV series devoted to the genre but for some reason there were no plans to tell the truth about Kermit Gosnell and his crimes. We were determined to change that and to show that their was a public appetite for this truth to be told and that’s why we decided to crowdfund the project,” filmmaker Phelim McAleer said in a statement.