Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is going to let someone else trash the Koch brothers for a change.

The Nevada Democrat and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi will join far-left filmmaker Robert Greenwald in D.C. today to screen clips from Koch Brothers Exposed.

The film actually reached streaming venues in 2012, but apparently Greenwald added new footage to the presentation.

Koch Brothers Exposed follows political donors Charles and David Koch and, according to the film’s backers, how they use their million to “suppress voter rights, re-segregate public schools, weaken EPA regulation, privatize Social Security, and how the Kochs’ immense echo chamber of influence comes into play.”

Reid’s anti-Koch rhetoric isn’t empty blather. He recently proposed legislation designed to ban groups like the Koch brothers from flooding the Beltway with cash, essentially reversing the Supreme Court “Citizens United” decision from 2010.

The Senator’s Koch fixation is so profound it even drew a satirical lashing from liberal comic Jon Stewart last week.