Hollywood is finally bringing faith-based product to the masses. As a result, Christian movie goers are beginning to reconsider their ambivalence toward Tinsel Town, according to a new study.

Work still remains to bridge the gap between the two, but the crush of faith-based stories–Son of God, Heaven Is for Real and God’s Not Dead to name just three–is making spiritual audiences think differently about Hollywood.

A new Christian News Service/Nicaea Movie poll conducted by American Insights paints an interesting portrait of Christian consumers, exploding some myths and giving credence to other theories. In particular, the polling company found that more Christians have a favorable impression of Hollywood (49%) than unfavorable (32%)….

However, some tensions remain, with fewer Christian respondents believing that their religion is portrayed fairly in Hollywood (33%) than unfairly (43%).

Another key point from the study: Christians care deeply about accuracy, something that likely hurt the box office tally for Noah.

Verisimilitude also comes into play when determining whether or not to see a movie that deals with questions of religion: 79% of Christians agree that accuracy is important to their ticket-buying decisions while only 10% disagree.

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