Conan O’Brien isn’t as political as his late night brethren. Yet he hammered President Barack Obama Thursday night with a gag that showed what a single joke can mean in the pop culture arena.

The TBS star brought up a news item involving an older but still feisty ex-president.

“Former President George H.W. Bush turned 90 today, and he celebrated by going skydiving,” O’Brien said, as the audience dutifully applauded the feat. “So if you include Obama there were two presidents in free fall today.”

Big, sustained laughs.

Comedians used their wit to attack Sarah Palin’s intelligence and competency every step of the way in 2008 despite her impressive record as governor. For the last six or so years, those same comics have been reticent to attack the leader of the free world and his lackluster achievements.

Obama’s spectacularly awful second term is forcing many humorists to reconsider that position.