Dinesh D’Souza’s America co-starring … Rosie O’Donnell?

Visitors to RottenTomatoes.com might have gotten that impression if they saw information posted about the new conservative docudrama this week.

It’s one of several snafus plaguing the film’s outreach efforts days before its national release, reminiscent of the external problems that bugged the filmmakers’ 2012 smash 2016: Obama’s America.

Both RottenTomatoes.com and Fandango.com, two of the biggest consumer-friendly film sites on the Web, each made mistakes in posting information about the film.

The former site recently showed a page for America featuring details from a 2009 film of the same name starring O’Donnell, the liberal ex-View co-host.

As of 5:45 p.m. EST Tuesday, the site listed two pages for America. One is a proper destination for the 2014 docudrama. The other featured a poster from the 2009 O’Donnell film but shows a movie description capturing the story behind D’Souza’s film. The cast listing fused the two projects, showcasing Dinesh D’Souza, Barack Obama and … Rosie O’Donnell. 

By noon EST today, RottenTomatoes.com had fixed the error.

At Fandango, visitors trying to get information on the film earlier this week instead learned about a 1924 silent feature called America. Once alerted to the problem Fandango.com corrected the error. Also, when visitors clicked on the poster for America it went to a city results search page. That situation also is now fixed.

The site MovieTickets.com currently has a page reserved for America but it does not contain any information about the film.

Two key people behind America weren’t pleased by these mistakes.

“In all of my years in Hollywood, I’ve never experienced anything quite like this. These are either cases of professional incompetence or institutional bias-and neither are very flattering to venerable Hollywood institutions like these,” says Oscar-winning producer Gerald Molen.

“Our last film was dubbed by some as the ‘film the White House doesn’t want you to see.’ If these reports are true, America is shaping up to be the film Hollywood doesn’t want Americans to see,” D’Souza says.

A RottenTomatoes.com representative responded to Breitbart News’ request Tuesday night for comment:

We’re in the process of sorting out some of the data we receive from our third party providers.  We don’t typically have this sort of issue; it’s a rare case in which two films share the same title.  It might take a day or two to correct all of the movie pages details, but it’s underway and we’ll be keeping an eye on it.

Two years ago, the popular Yahoo! Movies site didn’t include a listing for 2016: Obama’s America weeks after it opened to big box office. Emails also spread around the film’s release falsely claimed the film would air on Fox News.