The patriotic docudrama America just beat out a film by one of the country’s premiere far-left critics.

America is now the 6th highest grossing political documentary of all time, surpassing Michael Moore’s Capitalism: A Love Story’s box office haul.

According to team America, the film hit the $14 million mark over the weekend to lap Moore’s progressive film. America features Dinesh D’Souza defending the country against the likes of Noam Chomsky and Ward Churchill.

A Love Story, released in 2009, represents Moore’s last feature film. He has no major directorial projects in the pipeline, and his box office totals have been declining steadily since his 2004 smash Fahrenheit 9/11.

His brand appears in serious trouble.

He embraced the fractured, violent Occupy Wall Street movement which quickly collapsed unlike the robust Tea Party movement. The director’s recent divorce proceedings may be even more damaging to his “Everyman” persona. We recently learned that Moore owns nine homes, hardly the lifestyle of someone with a distaste for capitalism.

Meanwhile D’Souza’s book America is now no. 1 on the New York Times non-fiction bestseller list.