While the mainstream media has been doing wall-to-wall coverage of Ray Rice’s domestic abuse video, loudmouth liberal Rosie Perez made her tone-deaf debut on The View on Monday by asking fellow new co-host Nicolle Wallace when she just wanted to “pop” former Alaska Governor Palin in 2008. 

Wallace, who has serially bashed Palin on and off the record to cover up for Wallace’s incompetence and deficiencies as a hack during the 2008 presidential campaign, arguably only has her co-hosting gig because she has thrown Republicans under the bus since 2008 to get pats on the head from those like Whoopi Goldberg and 9/11 truther Rosie O’Donnell. 

Perez, as Newsbusters noted, has “praised Al Sharpton and even accused former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani of ‘incompetence’ on 9/11 that led to the death of firefighters.”

And she asked Wallace: “One, what was it like when you first met her? Two, did the winking get on your nerves? And three, when did you want to just pop her?” 

As Breitbart News has reported, “Rosie O’Donnell, a nasty 9/11 truther with a past history of blatant racism, ‘did not want the Republican co-host to be too confrontational.’ And sure enough, Wallace played her role by not pushing back against Perez. In fact, all of the hosts giggled and laughed. 

Wallace said her relationship with Palin soured after Palin’s interview with Wallace’s friend Katie Couric. When O’Donnell criticized the Bush administration’s handling of Hurricane Katrina, Wallace did not defend her White House colleagues. She just talked about how she was getting married to absolve herself from blame. What else is new?

Breitbart News has previously written about Wallace here:

In 2008, when McCain campaign consultants, namely Wallace and Steve Schmidt, decided to go “all-in” and suspend McCain’s campaign during the financial crisis, McCain’s poll numbers plummeted. Immediately thereafter, Schmidt and Wallace blamed the campaign’s downfall on Palin–whose vice presidential selection put the moribund campaign in the lead–to save their own reputations.

Wallace was so “loyal” in 2008 that she did not even vote for the McCain-Palin ticket on election night. 

“I didn’t, I didn’t,” she told The New York Times. “And I was fine with that.” She claimed she never received her absentee ballot.

Wallace soon discovered that the more she bashed conservatives and Palin on programs like Morning Joe, the more the mainstream media wanted to use her.