The United Nations will honor Leonardo DiCaprio with the official title of “Messenger of Peace” for his activist approach to addressing the Climate Change crisis.

DiCaprio has been delegated as a speaker during the U.N. Climate Summit on Sept. 23, in which he will express his devotion to the topic of global warming.

“It’s an honor to accept the role of UN Messenger of Peace on Climate Change and to support the Secretary General in his efforts to address one of the most important issues we face as a global community,” he stated. “I feel a moral obligation to speak out at this key moment in human history–it is a moment for action. How we respond to the climate crisis in the coming years will most likely determine the fate of humanity and our planet.”

The Wolf of Wall Street actor-turned-political activist repeatedly makes headlines for his loyalty to a more sustainable future. He even pumped the brakes on his acting career once in the past.

“I would like to improve the world a bit. I will fly around the world doing good for the environment,” he said.

The environmentalist-backed ocean advocacy group Oceana announced in February that DiCaprio had endowed $3 million to a marine conservation group. Four months later, he surprised them with an additional $7 million pledge.

Two days before the U.N. Climate Summit, DiCaprio will stand before the Clintons at a Manhattan Gala where he will be praised by Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea for his commitment to protecting the environment.

Edward Norton, Michael Douglas, George Clooney, Charlize Theron, and Stevie Wonder are all past recipients of the prestigious “Messenger of Peace” award. 

“United Nations Messengers of Peace/Goodwill Ambassadors are distinguished individuals, carefully selected from the fields of art, literature, science, entertainment, sports, or other fields of public life, who have agreed to help focus worldwide attention on the work of the United Nations,” reads a statement regarding the stringent selection process of celebrity peacemakers.