Hollywood actor Rob Schneider claimed on Twitter that his first amendment rights were being violated after State Farm discontinued his commercial because of his anti-vaccination views.

“If the Freedom of Speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter,”George Washington

— Rob Schneider (@RobSchneider) September 24, 2014

The insurance company has apparently been under attack by pro-vaccine lobbyists who demanded that they drop the actor as a spokesperson after he spoke out against government-regulated vaccinations for children and questioned the ethics of the pharmaceutical industry.

Thanks to all my supporters who believe as I do that parents should decide what’s in the best interests of their child, not Gov’t mandates.

— Rob Schneider (@RobSchneider) September 25, 2014

Schneider shared with his followers a 2013 interview in which he raised concerns over the government’s vaccination policy. 

Here is a recap of what he said is the “best & most honest” article that’s currently in circulation:

The idea that vaccines don’t injure people is a fallacy. Two billion dollars have been paid out to people who have been vaccine injured or died in the United States. This is a real thing. Another law has been passed in California to prevent a child from going to school unless he or she has been vaccinated. Kids have to take all the shots on a certain schedule, and it they don’t, they can’t go to school. That’s a human rights issue. When you have taken away parental rights and you’re forcing people to do an invasive medical procedure, it’s against the Nuremberg code. The Nuremberg code states: you have to have informed consent, and you have to have the right to say yes. 

The multi-billion dollar insurance company answered the wishes of their “pro-progress” critics when they announced their plans to remove the advertisement because it attracted negative attention to their brand.

“State Farm advertising is intended to inform and entertain,” they said in a statement. “This particular ad has unintentionally been used as a platform for discussion unrelated to the products and services we provide. With that, we are working to remove the ad from our rotation at this time.” 

Left wing news sites, such as the Huffington Post, have demonized Schneider for his work as a comedian and suggested that it disqualifies him from being a concerned parent with a point-of-view.

This video, produced by the pro-vaccine group “Chow Babe”, was part of the social media campaign that aimed to have Schneider terminated as an insurance ambassador for “endangering public health.”