A brand new iPhone and Android mobile app called “Good2Go” will help put an end to date rape and sexual assault by encouraging consensual sex between intoxicated strangers.

Only one party is required to download this simple application, which means that verbal communication might not be required.

The best part is that it’s free and easy to navigate. The device will require potential sex partners to answer a series of questions before they commit, the most important one being, “Are we Good2Go?”

There are reportedly three straightforward answers. Here are the breakdowns:

“No thanks,” which means there is definitely no sex to be had.

“Yes, but we need to talk,” could mean that it’s likely, but some issues must be properly addressed.

“I’m Good2Go,” translates as sex is going to happen, but only after each consumer fills out a sobriety report.

If a user indicates that they are “Pretty Wasted,” their answer to “Are we Good2Go” changes to “No thanks.” This application does not condone sexual encounters for those who are “Pretty wasted.”

Finally, if a person communicates that they are “Sober,” “Mildly intoxicated,” and “Intoxicated but Good2Go,” they will be asked to enter their phone number so that their identity can be confirmed.

Note: Phone numbers provided will not be stored into a potential lover’s phone, but will be used exclusively for identity confirmation. 

Who is the mastermind behind this groundbreaking “Good2Go” app? Her name is Lee Ann Allman, and she drew inspiration from her college-aged children who were confused about sexual assault.

What are people saying about the groundbreaking “Good2Go” app?

welcome to america, where you’ll need an app for sexual consent http://t.co/NU8M9HYLny

— ✮ Aizen Potter âœ� (@creamyvelvet) September 30, 2014

Nothing really enhances the mood like an app that asks someone for you if they will sleep with you: http://t.co/EfKRF7UcmJ

— Jesse Atkinson (@jsatk) September 25, 2014

Yeah this won’t be controversial at all: http://t.co/4eMF2qACX1

— Joel Housman (@joelhousman) September 25, 2014

Are you having consensual sex?