This week a three-judge panel of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals granted an emergency injunction requiring the State of Colorado treat Citizens United and our film, Rocky Mountain Heist, as they would treat any other media entity. In short, we won – we can broadcast and distribute our film throughout Colorado. The film will begin airing on television today in Colorado. 

This injunction is an important first step in overturning Colorado’s overbroad and unconstitutional campaign finance provisions. As noted in Citizens United v. FEC “restrictions distinguishing among different speakers, allowing speech by some but not others” are presumptively prohibited. This well settled Constitutional principal must be applied to the Colorado campaign finance laws so that no class of speaker is unfairly burdened or restrained from having their voice heard.

The 10th Circuit made clear that our filmmaking is protected speech, just like that of a newspaper or broadcast facility. Colorado’s campaign finance laws treated speakers differently based on such arbitrary criteria as whether or not they owned a television station or printing press. These distinctions have outlived their utility. In recent years some of the most important news stories have been broken by bloggers, filmmakers, and citizen journalists. Just look at what Breitbart has done in a few short years.

The mainstream media has had its head in the sand, and we at Citizens United take pride in exposing the truth. That is why we have teamed up with Michelle Malkin to produce Rocky Mountain Heist. The documentary is going to rock the Centennial State to the core because the film uncovers how four wealthy liberals overtook Colorado and turned it upside down. Watch the trailer below: