Prominent left-wing activist Alec Baldwin is spearheading a fight to preserve the Stony Hill aquifer located outside of his prosperous East Hampton neighborhood. 

Baldwin, who recently announced he was leaving public life and placed partial blame on Breitbart, is among a group of concerned signatories who took to a letter to save their neighborhood water source.

“The entire community and the undersigned in particular, are very concerned that continued development of land sitting on the Stony Hill aquifer could compromise the sole source of drinking water for the residents of East Hampton,” the letter reads.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, the current owner of the aquifer agreed to conserve the property, but a loophole in the contract may allow the previous owner to have right of first refusal if the land were to sell.

Baldwin is backed by New York Assemblyman Steve Englebright (D-Setauket) and several environmental organizations, all of which want to appeal to the previous landowner who wants to buy and develop the land.

Baldwin is the founder of East Hampton Conservators, which is the area’s first Public Action Committee, dedicated to preserving the land of East Hampton. 

“Our mission is to control development, protect the environment and pure drinking water, and preserve open space, historic legacy, and quality of life in the Town of East Hampton through vigilance, public education, and the election of candidates with a proven record of dedication to environmental protection and good government,” the site reads.

The group is permitted by law to fundraise for political candidates who support environmental protection, according to their website.

“We need to elect people to office dedicated to saving East Hampton, not destroying it for financial gain,” wrote Baldwin.

Amagansett village is also home to Mick Jagger, Sarah Jessica Parker, Madonna, and Glenn Close.