Former drummer for the alternative rock band Cake has been sentenced to 15-years-to-life in state prison after being convicted of molesting a three-year-old girl, reports the Los Angeles Times.

Deputy Dist. Atty. Elena Abramson said McNeal molested the child during a Thanksgiving party in 2009 in Laurel Canyon, which he attended as a guest. 

According to Independent, a Massachusetts woman testified in 2012 that her daughter gave a graphic demonstration of how she was molested by McNeal.

Peter McNeal, 48, was ordered to register as a sex offender for life by Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Fred Wapner.

McNeal was found guilty by jurors in March, 2013 of oral copulation of a 10-year-old child. An earlier trial over the same offense reportedly ended in a hung jury. 

McNeal, a father of two, was reportedly charged with misdemeanor child molestation in 2009 for attempting to molest a six-year-old girl while he was volunteering at a school in LA. 

Cake is a Sacramento-based band that rose to fame with its 1998 song titled “Never there.”

McNeal joined the group in 2001, replacing drummer Todd Roper, and he stayed in the band for four years.