John Sullivan, co-writer and co-director of the popular documentary films 2016: Obama’s America and America: Imagine the World Without Her, has signed on as executive producer for the upcoming feature film Gosnell, a crime drama about convicted murderer and abortionist Kermit Gosnell.

Sullivan, whose work on 2016 with collaborator Dinesh D’Souza helped propel the film to a $33 million take at the box office, joins husband-and-wife producers Phelim McAleer and Anne McElhinny, as well as producer Magdalena Segeida. The film was written by True Crime scribe Andrew Klavan.

“John has been behind some of the most successful documentary films in history,” McAleer said in a statement. “The Gosnell movie is based on the true horrific story of the mass murderer, Kermit Gosnell. John has experience in appealing to and reaching the audience who will appreciate the story we are trying to tell through the Gosnell movie. It’s great news that he has decided to join our team.”

The film will purportedly recount the true story of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, a notorious abortionist who was convicted in 2013 on murder charges after authorities discovered he had killed babies born alive at his Philadelphia abortion clinic.

The film began making headlines well before its release when popular crowdfunding platform Kickstarter refused to allow the film to raise money on its website. Rival crowdfunding site Indiegogo eventually stepped in and allowed the filmmakers to raise funds, and raise funds it certainly did. Not only did the film raise over $2.2 million to become the most successful project of its kind on Indiegogo; the film has also joined the platform’s “Forever Funding” program, which allows projects to collect money long past a traditional deadline.

“As a filmmaker I am drawn to personal stories which are incredibly compelling but don’t seem to get proper media attention,” Sullivan told Breitbart News in an e-mail. “I had heard of the story of Kermit Gosnell and more importantly how it was almost completely ignored by the media. Normally the gravity of a person killing what has been reported as hundreds if not thousands of human beings would be receiving national attention, except in this context of him being an abortion doctor.”

In addition to his work on the aforementioned films, Sullivan produced the 2008 documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, and 2014’s Unfair: Exposing the IRS.