BOSTON—Jim Norton cites success and sponsors as reasons Comedy Central has become more politically correct.

“They were PC when we were on, too, though,” the comedian reasons. He notes that the network gives more leeway to comedians at night. Breitbart caught up to Norton this holiday weekend in Boston.

Norton gained fame by frequently appearing on Comedy Central’s Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn. Despite the discussion show’s popularity, network executives jettisoned the program after battles over content. Appearing right after The Daily Show, the politically-incorrect humor of Norton and other regulars didn’t appeal to Jon Stewart’s audience. So, after two years, Comedy Central killed the program in 2004.

More than a decade later, Norton still judges Colin Quinn the funniest comedian and he calls reality-television the most overrated thing on TV. “I can’t say Big Bang Theory because I’ve never seen it. They are re-doing the Odd Couple, which makes me sick to my stomach—unless they want me to be a guest star. Then I’m all for the new Odd Couple—because I’m a whore.”

Norton cites listening to Black Sabbath and watching cage fighting as his passions. He confesses, “I’ve never seen a moment of Girls.”

The comedian, who co-hosts a Sirius-XM show with Gregg “Opie” Hughes, traveled to Boston to film a comedy special. Norton insists, “I don’t hang out with unfunny people.”