First Lady Michelle Obama was spotted leaving the DC location of SoulCycle this past Sunday, and has now been named a member of the cult… um… club, which offers fitness and indoor cycling classes.

Soul Cycle describes its classes as a “dance party on a bike” (we all know how much the First Lady likes to dance) and combines high-intensity music and inspirational quotes that are said to benefit the mind and body.

Examples of motivational phrases, which have been recited at the New York location, via Vanity Fair:

“Be the same person on the outside as on the inside-those two people should match!”

“Work through the stuff in your own life. Let someone else’s behavior be someone else’s behavior-don’t let it affect you. Go!”

Each class lasts for 45 minutes, and prices start at around $32, making it one of the most expensive fitness classes in the country.

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Some describe the group as an overpriced cult that involves an abundance of sweating and grunting. Avid followers of SoulCycle include Chelsea Clinton, Lady Gaga, and even Girls star Lena Dunham.

“It’s the first exercise I’ve been able to do that I enjoy,” said Dunham. “I love the music, I love the sweat, I love the handsome gay teachers shrieking in your face-I’m super cult-y about it.”

Members of the DC club say Michelle has been a regular since it opened in the Capitol last summer. She even sports the official SoulCycle gear.

Watch: Michelle Obama leave Soul Cycle D.C., courtesy of TMZ.