Do couples who do chores together stay together? Or is the key to pleasing your partner more superficial? A Hollywood actress and a corporate heavyweight share their opinions.

While Mendes came under fire this week for sharing her tips for a successful marriage, Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg believes in the value of teamwork.

Sandberg is suggesting that men and women who share a passion for working together on projects usually have the habit to carry over into other aspects of their lives, and she cites results from a 2009 study, which analyzed the relationship between household labor time and sexual frequency.

“Men and women who work hard [together] play hard,” Sangberg writes in the New York Times as part of an ongoing series called “Women at Work.”

The CFO believes in the power of “choreplay” and says it leads to both a happier relationship and a healthier sex life. Furthermore, rather than spending money on lavish gifts or flowers for their ladies, men should do a load of laundry instead.

It’s a win-win, according to Sandberg, who was named Facebook’s first female board member in 2012. “A man who heard this was asked by his wife one night to do a load of laundry. He picked up the basket and asked hopefully, ‘Is this Lean In [ as he referred to her latest book] laundry?’ Choreplay is real,” she continued in the piece.

The 45-year-old executive cited additional research from 2000 to strengthen her argument, which revealed men that put in equal amounts of work around the house have happier, less-depressed partners, conflicts are few and far between, and divorce rates are lower.

On the contrary, actress Eva Mendes indicated this week that she believes sweatpants are the number one cause of divorce, although she has since apologized.

The first-time mother went on Extra this week, wherein she dished her secrets to keeping her man, Ryan Gosling, happy at home. “You can’t do sweatpants… ladies, number one cause of divorce in America, sweatpants, no!” said Mendes.

While the ladies may disagree on the fundamentals of a healthy relationship, men may find themselves the winner of any such argument.