Bruce Jenner will present himself as a woman publicly for the first time during an interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer later this month, TMZ reports.

Although the former Olympian does not plan to reveal his new feminine name, or dress as a woman, he reportedly sees the 20/20 interview as the most significant event since his sex change.

The interview will focus on Jenner’s mental state and “journey,” rather than his appearance, per TMZ, which also reports Jenner perceives the show to be “a farewell to Bruce.”

In the two-hour special, he will chronicle his life for Sawyer, who he tells he first identified as a woman at age 5. The interview has already been recorded and was conducted over a period of time in which Jenner described the hardships he encountered with living as a man, but not feeling like one.

The reality TV star also opens up about the dynamics of his family, which have reportedly changed significantly since he announced his decision to become a woman.

Bruce hopes the interview will set him free from critics who are unable to empathize with his transition, and he also wants to educate those in his position so they do not have to go through the pain.

A source told TMZ the most riveting moments of the upcoming special are when Jenner opens up about “mundane things” that will alter his life while moving forward.

The 20/20 special will air on ABC on Apr. 24.