Hollywood scion Ireland Baldwin checked into SOBA Recovery Center in Malibu, California for emotional trauma, she tweeted Monday.

The 19-year-old model, daughter of Alec Baldwin and actress Kim Basinger, shared a version of the serenity prayer to her Twitter page Sunday night, but did not elaborate on her condition.

“God…Grant me the serenity tonight,” she wrote to her more than nine thousand followers.

The younger Baldwin provided updates the following day after it was reported she was seeking treatment for “intensive partying.”

In a series of tweets, the model spoke candidly about what she hopes to accomplish through her stay at SOBA.

She wrote:

Apparently I’m in rehab for intensive partying soooo I’m just going to lay pretty low for a bit and maybe get some frozen yogurt.

I checked myself into Soba for two weeks to just get away for a little bit. I’m not much [siq] a party cat but I am here [siq] deal with some emotional trauma and getting the intensive therapy I needed in order to recover.

Someday I’ll feel ready to share my story openly without feeling the way I do. Right now I just needed a breather. I needed a chance to work on myself and gather all the tools I need to overcome everything that I had been through and rid myself of all the pain I locked away in unreachable places.

Ireland said late Monday night she was reading inspiring literature she believes will take her places. “Everyday is a blessing. You don’t even know the half,” she wrote.

On Tuesday morning, she also responded to a tweet, which read: “wack-a-do parents, hollywood lifestyle…isn’t it always how this stuff turns out?”

“Oh it can! Not this time but it sure can,” she replied.


Breitbart News reached out to Ireland to see how she was feeling one day after her check in to SOMA on Tuesday. “So happy,” she responded.

Listen: Alec Baldwin Calls 12-year-old Ireland a ‘thoughtless little pig’  (warning*** Vulgar language***)