A newly discovered species of glass frog from Central America shares an uncanny resemblance with Jim Henson’s famed Muppet character, Kermit The Frog.

Unearthed in Costa Rica, and discovered by Minnesota-based scientist Brian Kubicki, Hyalinobatrachium dianae has the legendary and lovable Muppet’s trademark eyes and skin color, and joins 13 other known types of glass frogs in the Central American country.

According to the Costa Rican Amphibian Research Center, Kubicki named Hyalinobatrachium dianae after his mother, and said the presence of the frog “is a good indicator of the general health of the eco-system.”

The Telegraph reports Kubicki said that the new species is clearly different due to its coloring and the distinctive sound of its call.

Kubicki said that the new species, of which six specimens have been found so far, was clearly different due to its coloring, skin texture, and the distinctive sound of its call.

Glass frogs are found in parts of South and Central America. Their skin is so translucent their internal organs are visible.

Watch the clip below for more information about the Kermit Doppelgänger: