Developers of BioShock, BioShock Infinite, and Dead Space have teamed up to form The Deep End Games, a studio that is trying to fund a new game called Perception.

Perception’s Kickstarter page describes the title as “a narrative horror adventure featuring a young blind woman who must solve mysteries and escape a deadly presence, all without sight.” The Deep End Games has risen over $37,000 at the time of this article’s publication and has until Thursday, June 25 to meet its $150,000 goal.

Detailing its unique mechanic “of seeing… by means of sound,” The Deep End Games states that the player “must carefully weigh the risk of making too much noise against the possibility of being discovered by the terrifying Presence.” Cassie, the heroine, “can throw objects and use items like alarms to create ‘sound bombs’ to distract her enemies.”

The Deep End Games offers a variety of prizes for pledges of different amounts. Donating $20 will get players a copy of Perception as well as a digital wallpaper set. For those who are particularly generous, pledging $3,000 will unlock a trip with the developers to the Hysteria horror theme park in Danvers, Massachusetts, a creepy pub crawl with booze in Salem, Massachusetts, and rewards from lower donation tiers.

Follow Rob Shimshock on Twitter @Xylyntial.