At its E3 press conference, Microsoft announced that backwards compatibility is coming to the Xbox One. The feature is currently in beta mode with 21 titles available for gamers.

Microsoft will open the service in fall 2015 and hopes to have approximately 100 games playable for holiday 2015. The company has a poll in which gamers can vote for Xbox 360 titles that they want to come to the Xbox One.

Technology is not preventing all Xbox 360 titles from being transferred; legal rights are the problem. Video game publishers who previously allowed only the Xbox 360 to host their games will need to authorize the games for the Xbox One.

Gamers’ digital titles that are part of the backwards compatibility list will be available in the “Ready to Install” menu of Xbox One. Xbox 360 disc games that are on the list will need to be inserted into the Xbox One to download and kept in the system during play.

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