Techland’s survival horror game Dying Light is receiving an expansion titled The Following. This DLC will feature a new story segment with vehicles and a map that is as large as all of the other Dying Light maps combined.

Tymon Smektala, the game’s producer, said, “For Dying Light: The Following we’re adding a number of bold game-changers to create one massive expansion. Something big that will give the game a brand-new flavor. The new map alone is the same size as all the previous maps from Dying Light combined, so there is a lot we’re packing in here.”

But Techland is also paying attention to what gamers think. Smektala stated, “We also kept a close eye on player feedback to help tailor what we’ve created here. Hopefully people will see that this new expansion is first and foremost, for the fans.”

Gamers with the Dying Light season pass will receive the expansion free of charge; those who do not have the pass will have to pay a price yet to be announced. More information on the expansion will be available at Gamescom.

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