As Breitbart reported last month, the Call of Duty: Black Ops III multiplayer beta will run from August 19 – 23 on the PlayStation 4 and August 26 – 30 on the Xbox One and PC. Developer Treyarch has released new details on maps, modes, specialists, and a Weapon Paintshop that will be available to players.

Gamers can wage war in the long-range map of Hunted, which features mountains, a waterfall, and an underwater corridor. Fans of close-quarters combat can duke it out in the Egyptian Saharan research building of Combine. Lastly, Evac features a getaway zone in a Singapore quarantine.

The Black Ops III beta brings back Capture the Flag, Demolition, Domination, Hardpoint, Kill Confirmed, Search & Destroy, and, of course, Team Deathmatch modes. The eight default specialists boast weapons like Nomad’s H.I.V.E, which drops pod traps that unleash multitudes of nano drones, and abilities like Reaper’s Psychosis, which can deploy decoy clones.

Treyarch’s Weapon Paintshop allows gamers to customize their firearms by mixing and matching their own designs with 64 available layers.

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