At Gamescom last week, Blizzard demonstrated Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void and suggested that a new Warcraft real-time strategy (RTS) game could be developed after Starcraft.

Regarding a potential Starcraft III, Tim Morten, producer of Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void said, “This isn’t the end of StarCraft, but it’s the end of this story for these characters. We don’t have any specific plans, but I’ll say that the universe has so much potential for more stories, clearly other stories could be told.”

Commenting on gamer feedback on the Warcraft franchise, he remarked, “It’s very rewarding for us to hear that there’s demand out there for more RTS content in the Warcraft universe so once we’re done with Void I think we’ll get together as a team and talk about what would inspire us to work on next. There’s no question, though, that we’ll consider Warcraft, StarCraft, or even new ideas. Anything is possible.”

Of course, a Warcraft-like mode for Blizzard’s MOBA Heroes of the Storm is also possible, as game director Dustin Browder discussed at Gamescom. Browder said, “We’ve definitely thought about it… I don’t want to overpromise and say it’s imminent – it’s not imminent. But it’s something we definitely want to do.”

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