The video for Miley Cyrus’s latest single “Dooo It” dropped this week, and to say she really “does it,” would be an understatement.

During the entire video, Miley gets her faced dumped with glitter, sprinkles and other things, which are poured into her mouth, as she swirls it around with her tongue and spits it back out.

(Draw your own conclusions there.)

“Might need some more marijuana,” she says at the opening, before she sings: “Yeah I smoke pot, yeah I love peace, but i don’t give a f–k, I ain’t no hippy.”

“Dooo It” is a track from her surprise album, which she surprise announced Sunday at the VMAs, called Miley & Her Dead Petz.

It’s pretty disgusting, even coming from the former Disney child star.

Decide for yourself: