Princess Leia Organa herself, Carrie Fisher–who reprises her iconic Star Wars role in this month’s The Force Awakens–mocks a UK theater chain’s ban of a Bible-themed ad before showings of the new film.

From the Daily Mail:

Star Wars actress Carrie Fisher has condemned Britain’s biggest cinema chains for banning the Church of England film of the Lord’s Prayer.

The 59-year-old, who is reviving her role as Princess Leia in the latest Star Wars blockbuster which opens a week before Christmas, said: ‘I have no idea why they would do that.’

The Mail on Sunday revealed last week how Digital Cinema Media – which supplies advertising to the vast majority of British cinemas – had blocked the one-minute film because it feared the advert could offend moviegoers.

But Ms Fisher responded: ‘Offended? No. People should get a life.

‘I don’t think it is offensive to have a “power of prayer” advert before Star Wars.’

Read the rest of the story here.