Chelsea Clinton blasted Academy Award-nominated British actress Charlotte Rampling over comments the actress made on Friday about this year’s all white Oscars nominations.

Rampling told French radio station Europe 1 that a growing boycott the 88th Academy Awards is actually “racist to whites.”

“One can never really know, but perhaps the black actors did not deserve to make the final list,” said the 69-year-old, who was nominated last week for Best Actress for her role in the British drama 45 Years.

Rampling added: “Why classify people? These days everyone is more or less accepted,” she said. “People will always say: ‘Him, he’s less handsome’; ‘Him, he’s too black’; ‘He is too white.’”

Chelsea Clinton fired back on Twitter at the actress, linking to a CNN article about Rampling’s remarks and calling them “outrageous, ignorant & offensive.”

Twitter users pounced on the only child of former President Bill Clinton and current Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over the post.

After facing criticism over her Oscars comments, Rampling apologized in a statement: “I regret that my comments could have been misinterpreted.”

“I simply meant to say that in an ideal world every performance will be given equal opportunities for consideration,” she said.

For the second year in a row, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) did not nominate a person of color in any of the four coveted acting categories, prompting boycotts of the Feb. 28 ceremony and telecast by many prominent Hollywood celebrities and rebukes by countless others.

On Friday, veteran Oscar-winning Schindler’s List producer and Academy member Gerald Molen told The Hollywood Reporter that the Academy is not a racist organization and said the #OscarsSoWhite crowd should “stop acting like spoiled brats.”

“There is no racism except for those who create an issue,” Molen said. “That is the worst kind. Using such an ugly way of complaining.”

The Academy approved a series of “substantive changes” to its rules and organizational structure in an effort to ensure the diversity of its membership amid mounting criticism on Friday.

“The Academy is going to lead and not wait for the industry to catch up,” Academy president Cheryl Boone Isaacs said in a statement. “These new measures regarding governance and voting will have an immediate impact and begin the process of significantly changing our membership composition.”

The measures will remove voting privileges from older Academy members and aggressively recruit new voting members “who represent greater diversity.”

Isaacs developed the rules alongside the Board’s membership committee.