Rapper Azealia Banks is ready to vote for Donald Trump should he earn the Republican presidential nomination — because America is “inherently evil” and “full of sh-t,” so we “may as well put a piece of sh-t in the White House.”

The rapper, who has previously said she “hate[s] everything about this country,” kicked off a series of Twitter posts late Sunday night by saying that she is “ready to admit” that she’s “going to vote for Donald Trump.”

Banks apparently received strong blowback on her posts from her Twitter followers, because she followed up shortly afterward to defend herself.

The rapper also suggested that Trump would be the candidate most likely to secure reparations for the black community:

In September, Banks tweeted that she “sort of agree[s] with [Trump’s] stance on immigration.”

The outspoken rapper made waves last March when she told Playboy magazine that she hates “fat white Americans.”

“All the people who are crunched into the middle of America, the real fat and meat of America, are these racist conservative white people who live on their farms,” she told the magazine.