Music producer and acclaimed DJ Diplo has lent his 2014 single “Revolution” to a new ad for Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders.

The musician, who has collaborated with artists including Justin Timberlake, M.I.A., Justin Bieber, and Beyoncé is the latest musician to get behind the New York-born democratic socialist.

A new ad released Friday by the Sanders campaign features Diplo’s song “Revolution” with Faustix & Imanos and Kai.

Sanders and his supporters have often referred to his campaign as a political revolution.

A caption on the ad reads: “Day in and day out, from sun up to sun down, volunteers and supporters all across this country have powered this political revolution. For that, we thank you.”


In February, Diplo wrote on Twitter: “if @berniesanders loses the democratic nomination I’m staying in india until 2018.”

Last month, he tweeted:

Diplo previously posted he did not have the energy to “engage the American political system.”