Actress Susan Sarandon thinks Hillary Clinton, a lifelong liberal and the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, is the “best Republican” running for president in 2016.

“I mean, Hillary Clinton is the best Republican that’s out there,” Sarandon said in an interview with Vulture. “She’s completely a Republican. Everything that she stands for and doesn’t stand for is Republican.”

Sarandon is staunchly Bernie Sanders or bust. And the Oscar winning actress often openly declares her fervent opposition to Clinton, saying “I don’t vote with my vagina.”

Sarandon, who in 2009 compared President Obama to Jesus Christ, has been consistent in her opposition to Hillary Clinton.

“I’ve got a lot of flak from feminists who feel that I should be supporting Hillary Clinton,” Sarandon said in 2008. “But I thought the whole point of feminism is that you’re not supposed to be defined by gender.”

The Thelma & Louise star is no fan of Donald Trump, and has said “I feel like I could beat him. Seriously!”

“I can’t believe that the Republican party, who managed to steal two elections, cannot make sure that Trump doesn’t get the nomination,” Sarandon said. “A lot of sane Republicans are not gonna vote for Trump. Half the population is female and most of them won’t vote for him. Minorities won’t, unions won’t, so who does he have?”

“It’s been an interesting thing, and a scary thing, because he’s normalized hate and made it okay to be violent, and that’s not good,” she added.

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