Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon and Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson brought their film collaboration Torchbearer to the Cannes Film Festival in France this week.

Torchbearer — directed by Bannon and written by Breitbart Senior West Coast Editor Rebecca Mansour — examines what happens when civilized societies remove God from public life. Robertson serves as the film’s narrator and tour guide.

“If you look around, the frustration you see coming out of America, in my opinion, is primarily being fueled by the depravity [that] has become mainstream,” Robertson said in a recent interview on Breitbart News Daily. “Murder is mainstream, we slaughter our own children. We priss around and parade our perversion; it’s being done in front of our very eyes. Depravity, literally. And I never thought I’d see it in my lifetime. But it has literally become mainstream.”

The film’s production visited the Coliseum in Rome, French Revolution sites in Paris, the beaches of Normandy and the Auschwitz concentration camp to get a sense of what it is like when societies crumble without God.

“We might as well carry the banner on and try to get men to just do two things — I know it’s a shocker for America — but I’m hoping we will just begin to love God and love our neighbor,” Robertson told Breitbart News. “I don’t think we’re asking for too much here, do you?”

Torchbearer is set to debut at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July.

Watch the trailer for the film above.


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