In the wake of two separate fatal police shootings this week, New York-based rapper Joey Badass says the tragic incidents are part of a United States government plot to incite “uprising and rebellion” that will give federal agents an excuse to kill black people.

“What the government is doing amongst our people is downright disturbing but not surprising,” the rapper’s lengthy Instagram post began.

“Alton Sterling and those alike are happening everyday in this country. The scary part is MOST of these stories don’t make it to the news and reach the mass consciousness,” he says, referencing Alton Sterling, who was shot and killed by Baton Rouge police on Tuesday.

“It is for sure time that we as a people stand up for human rights and rebel against the system unapologetically,” the 21-year-old rapper wrote. “I just want everyone to be cautious about how they go about it because this is all a part of the governments plan… They are literally begging for this to happen so they can kill us off faster using uprising and rebellion as the excuse..”

A day after Sterling’s death, a Minnesota police officer fatally shot a man in a car with his girlfriend and child present. That incident was live-streamed in a widely shared Facebook video.

The Christ Conscious rapper goes unto to admonish black people who kill each other while destroying their own communities.

“As black and low income people, I think our gangs need to do a better job at protecting our communities and not assisting in destroying them,” he wrote. “Who do we call when the police break the law?? We are so quick to pick up a gun and kill one another but not quick enough to pick it up and protect one another for our human rights.”

The rapper adds: “The code words to killing black men by police is ‘he has a gun!’ That gives them the rights and incentives to shoot and most of the time it’s just a cellphone, wallet or a downright lie!. But what about them? They all got guns so what should we do because it’s always been clear that they don’t value our lives and that they want to harm us.”


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