Rosie O’Donnell, Debra Messing, Ed Asner and Michael Shannon are among the dozens of artists, entertainers, and activists who have attached their names to an effort calling for a month-long protest to stop President-elect Donald Trump.

“No! In the Name of Humanity We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America!” reads a full-page ad placed in the New York Times on Wednesday by the group Refuse Fascism.

“Donald Trump, the President-elect, is assembling a regime of grave danger,” the ad says. “Millions of people in the US and around the world are filled with deep anxiety, fear, and disgust. Our anguish is right and just. Our anger must now become massive resistance –before Donald Trump is inaugurated and has the full reins of power in his hands.”

The group is encouraging “a month of resistance” to protest Trump, which it hopes will reach “a crescendo” by his inauguration on January 20.

“The Trump regime must and can be stopped before it starts!” the ad reads. The group urges its supporters to “step up the resistance: walkouts from schools and work, protests against attacks and threats on Muslims, women, people of color, LBGT people – all linked to the objective of Stopping the Trump/Pence regime. The struggle must grow.”

The group’s initiators include domestic terrorist-turned education activist Bill Ayers, far-left professor Cornel West and jazz musician Ted Sirota, among others.

The organization regards Trump’s presidency as “illegitimate,” and says the incoming administration will capitalize on the various “virulent movements of white supremacy and anti-immigrant hysteria” on the rise in America.

The group’s “plan” includes encouraging organizers to hold protests in Washington D.C. in the days leading up to Trump’s inauguration.

“Fill the streets of DC with millions, millions more demonstrate in every major city and small town all over US and the world, demanding that Trump-Pence be prevented from taking office before January 20,” the ad says.

The ad marks the second time in a week that celebrities have called for resistance to Trump. Earlier this week, a group of celebrities released a video urging the U.S. Congress to “obstruct” Trump’s legislative agenda.


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