Some rapes are more equal than others.

If the University of Virginia fraternity brothers or Duke lacrosse players or white employees of the New York criminal justice system stand accused, then publicity ensues no matter the facts. But when a Hollywood producer who donates massive amounts of money to the Democratic Party finds himself on the wrong end of rape accusations, journalists find themselves running from the story.

NBC, New York magazine, and other media outlets allegedly spiked the story of Harvey Weinstein’s allegedly creepy and criminal behavior with actresses. More than thirty actresses and counting accuse Weinstein of misdeeds, which includes several allegations of sexual assault. But Big Media refused to cover the story.

Contrast the protective treatment awarded to the rich and powerful Weinstein with the pitchfork-and-torches media that pursued anonymous college kids and cops in past politically-charged rape cases that evidence ultimately exposed as hoaxes.

Al Sharpton ran for president and got a job at MSNBC after discrediting himself by pushing Tawana Brawley’s elaborate story of getting raped by cops and an assistant district attorney. Julianne Malveaux served as the president of a college after saying the Duke students falsely accused of raping a stripper “did not deserve an apology.” Rolling Stone, despite taking a hit on its credibility over the University of Virginia rape hoax it peddled, currently seeks a buyer “with lots of money.”

Why did respected news outlets suffocate the Weinstein story but give so much oxygen to preposterous allegations? The answer lies less with the victim’s lies in the latter case than with the alleged perpetrator’s ties in the former.

Fraternity brothers, athletes at an elite school, and cops and prosecutors appear as villains straight out of central casting in the media narrative.  Weinstein donated millions to the Democratic Party, received the Chairman’s Award from the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network, and maintained friendships with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?

Who you know trumps what you do. And when the facts clash with the narrative, scribes go with what fits rather than the facts.

Harvey Weinstein awaits possible indictment. His media protectors who recklessly attacked innocents received their indictments in the court of public opinion a long time ago.