Christopher Plummer — the Academy Award-winning actor director Ridley Scott tapped to replace sex scandal-ridden Kevin Spacey in his upcoming John Paul Getty drama All the Money in the World — has expressed unsavory views on mixed-race people (referring to them as “half-breed”), the promiscuity of under-age girls (one who “spread her legs” revealing “the biggest black bush anyone is ever likely to see”), and raping women with his eyes.

These thoughts emanate from Plummer’s 700-page 2008 memoir, In Spite of Myself, which the Huffington Post calls an “astounding, horrifying mess.” The bestseller is chock-full of decades of recollected predation and moral misdemeanors.

From HuffPo, which quoted experts from Plummer’s memoir:

On What Women Bring To The Table

He also had the good taste to employ a young dark-haired beauty from New Orleans to play the part of Memory Mellons, a half-breed native who wasn’t required to speak or be spoken to but only to be looked upon. This turned out to be no chore, for with what she had to offer, and what she was wearing, she became known to all of us as “Mammory Mellons.” Her real name was Cynthia and she was eighteen or thereabouts.

On Underage Girls

Recalling his schoolboy days:

News of massive import hit Montreal High School like a tornado that one of the girl students across the quad wore no pants. It turned out she herself was largely responsible for this hot little scoop as she never ceased to inform the world of that fact. She was raunchy, petite, cheeky with a galvanizing little body and was thoroughly enjoying wreaking havoc with the male students and their concentration. One day, a bunch of us fellows passed her as she was reclining on the school steps, smoldering away seductively to herself. She saw us ogling her and at once began sinuously to spread her legs, lifting her skirt ever so casually at the same time. At the apex of two pale, graceful, well-shaped young limbs was the biggest black bush anyone is ever likely to see.

On Imagined Rape

What taxed most of my brain power was what they would look like without any clothes. Each one I passed on the street, no matter what age, I would rape with my eyes, positive that whatever she was wearing would instantly fall from her like lead and there she would stand, for all the world to see—Ha! Ha! without a stitch!

While Spacey may have committed crimes — UK police are reportedly investigating a second Spacey sexual assault claim — preying on underage boys, Plummer’s sins, Huffpo concludes, don’t make him “a moral authority on the subject of lechery and predation” and therefore worthy to replace the embattled star in Scott’s latest film.

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