All actress Olivia Wilde wants this Christmas season is for President Donald Trump to be impeached by Congress.

In an Instagram post, Wilde wore a red Christmas sweater with the word “Impeach” mock-stitched across the front, showing off the jab at Trump by holding her jacket open for photographers to see.

Wilde wrote in the post “#GiftOfImpeachment” while also tagging the left-wing women’s organization “March On” which sells the sweater, and posting the prayer-hands emoji with the picture.

The organization selling the design claims that by merely buying the sweater, women can “help save our country.”

“We’re working hard to take back Congress, and this sweater is key to that effort,” March On wrote in a post trying to sell the Impeach sweaters. “Forget poinsettias and fruitcakes this Christmas -this sweater can help save our country.”


John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.