Actor-comedian Jim Carrey is again attacking the Trump family via his artwork, this time sharing with his millions of Twitter followers his fantasy painting of the brutal deaths of President Donald Trump’s son Eric and Donald Trump, Jr.

The painting, tweeted on Tuesday, features the two elder Trump sons skewered by the tusks of a rampaging elephant. Eric and Donald, Jr., are leaking blood, with the elephant’s tusks gruesomely protruding from their chests. The two Trumps are seen with hunting rifles, as well. Along with the obscene drawing, Carrey added the hashtag #TeamElephant.

Both Trump sons are well known for having participated in the hobby of hunting for most of their adult lives. The drawing is also likely a response to recent changes in federal policy, which would allow American hunters to import a limited number of elephant trophies from overseas safaris.

Carrey, to be sure, has been spending a lot of time with his hate-centered artwork of late.

Earlier this month, the Dumb and Dumber star attacked White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders with another ugly drawing featuring a caption reading, “This is the portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked. Monstrous!”

The Grinch star also posted a drawing of the American flag soaked in a school girl’s blood to illustrate his feeling about America’s gun laws.

The comedian who hasn’t had a hit movie in over a decade has also been busy drafting other equally vile “cartoons” over the last few months, all of which he has posted to Twitter:

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