Disney deleted what many social media users considered a morbid post on their official Twitter account on Monday, which showed the classic character Pinocchio seemingly left “dead inside.”

The tweet, which was posted around 2 p.m. on Sunday to the brand’s nearly six million followers, was a GIF from Disney’s 1940’s classic Pinocchio showing the doll being enchanted by a blue fairy with the tagline: “When someone compliments you, but you’re dead inside.”

“Makes no difference who you are,” the tweet read, a lyric from the film’s Oscar-winning song, “Wish Upon a Star.”

The post quickly went viral, garnered around 30,000 retweets, thousands of comments, and millions of views before it was deleted.

Some fans were confused by the dark message, with several speculating that it had a deeper meaning about famous doll’s character.

Although based on the Italian children’s novel The Adventures of Pinocchio, Disney’s animated musical film brought the novel to wider attention as it follows the story of a puppet brought to life by a blue fairy.

Digg reports that the GIF was created by a content team known as “Oh My Disney,” which aims to “re-tell our classic stories in a voice that speaks directly to digital natives.”

The company has yet to comment on the post or its decision to delete it.

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