A horde of Hollywood stars took to social media on Tuesday to react to Roseanne Barr’s remarks in which she said former Obama senior advisor Valerie Jarrett is what you get “if the “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby.”

“I am repulsed that Valerie Jarret had that racist and bigoted ‘joke’ made at her expense and I am sickened that any Black or Muslim person has to keep hearing this sickness in 2018,” actress Patricia Arquette wrote.

Entertainment podcaster and biographer Toure wrote, “For the many who pay her no mind, Roseanne Barr tweeted that Valerie Jarrett was the result if a “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby.” Roseanne called a Black woman an ape. Where’s joke attempt?

After initially calling her tweet about Jarrett “a joke,” Barr issued an apology for her racially charged remark.

“I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans. I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks. I should have known better. Forgive me-my joke was in bad taste,” the 65-year-old actress-comedian wrote.

Barr’s remarks were met with calls from activists for ABC to cancel her eponymous sitcom, which had dominated in the network ratings race since its revival in March.

Below is a roundup of the reaction from celebrities to Barr’s remarks.

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