The Dumb and Dumber star Jim Carrey used the immigration-tinged Time cover for his latest animated attack on President Donald Trump.

“So I fixed the controversial TIME Magazine cover,” Carrey captioned the art, which depicts Trump stumping a crying child with a sneer on his face. “This is much more appropriate. You’re welcome @time.” His art parodies the magazine’s infamous July cover reveal, which depicts a sobbing migrant child being stared down by President Donald Trump.

The report around the original Time photo has since been corrected; the Honduran girl pictured was never separated from her mother during their detainment, as the paper inaccurately reported, and remained together at a family detainment center in Texas. Still, the art has already become iconic and synonymous with resistance to Trump’s border policies.

Carrey’s work doubles down on the imagery, which seems to pull from a similar joke made on tongue-in-cheek Christian news site The Babylon Bee. Carrey remix sees the child’s bruised face crumples from the blow from Trump. The fake cover is captioned with “Here’s your due process.”

Jim Carrey has been an outspoken critic of the Trump administration since its inception. He called the Hawaii missile false alarm “a real psychic warning,” warning his audience that “if we allow this one-man Gomorrah and his corrupt Republican Congress to continue alienating the world we are headed for suffering beyond all imagination.”

This is far from the first time that the floundering film star has used his art to display his political views. Just last week, Carrey depicted First Lady Melania Trump with a “federally-abducted refugee child,” saying “smile for me darlink. I came very long way.”

Earlier this month, he captioned another painting by saying that “Donald Trump’s Americans” are “worse than animals,” and “if this wickedness goes on our fate will be a cruel one.”

These statements do not, however, seem to have bolstered Carrey’s career. His latest release, The Bad Batch, earned less than $200,000 in its brief theatrical run, while Dark Crimes was sent straight to video — with a whopping 0% score on Rotten Tomatoes, who called it “a rote, unpleasant thriller.”