Comedian Chelsea Handler called for people to “take to the streets” to protect abortion rights Monday in a new press release in conjunction with NARAL Pro-Choice America.

“Let’s be crystal clear: abortion rights, and by proxy, women’s ability to be equal partners in society, is on the line in this fight. Brett Kavanaugh will turn back the clock on decades worth of progress for women,” Chelsea Handler wrote in the NARAL press release.

The former Netflix talk show host continued:

“What could be more important than fighting for the rights of our daughters, mothers, and sisters not to be thrown in jail for making decisions about their own bodies and futures? We need to do everything possible to defeat this nomination. We need to speak out. We need to call our senators. We need to take to the streets.”

“Every single voice matters, and it’s a fight I know we can win. I am proud to join with NARAL in this fight,” Handler said.

Accompanying the joint press release was a video featuring Handler titled, “This is Not A Drill.”

“Remember just a couple of years ago when the idea of an openly misogynistic, racist, conspiracy theory touting TV personality actually becoming president of the United States seemed like a totally ridiculous idea? Yeah? Me too,” Handler said in the video.

“Well here’s another supposedly impossible thing we’d better take seriously right now: Roe v. Wade, which for the past 45 years has protected our right to make our own choices about our own bodies — it’s in danger of becoming history,” she added. “But if Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court — and remember, that appointment is for life — we could face the reality of a country where a woman who chooses to end her pregnancy is branded a criminal; she might even be put in prison.”

Handler, a frequent critic of President Donald Trump, recently publicly asked Twitter to ban Trump from the social media service.