Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin backed former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign launch in a blog in which he also attacked President Donald Trump.

Martin said the most important aspects of a candidate was to beat President Donald Trump and have the ability to serve as a good president.

“Biden qualifies on both counts,” George R.R. Martin wrote on his personal blog.

Martin added that he enjoyed Biden’s campaign launch speech in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in April.

“Also, the speech he gave announcing his run was kickass… and so, so true,” he wrote. “I wish him well.”

Martin said that there were probably too many Democrat candidates running for president in 2020 but said that he preferred any of them to President Trump. “There are a lot of good Democrats running, maybe too many, and I’d probably vote for any one of them over the present blot upon the Oval Office,” he wrote.
Martin remains a critic of President Donald Trump, comparing him King Joffrey — one of his petulant villainous characters in his book.

“I think Joffrey is now the king in America,” Martin said in a 2017 interview with Esquire. “And he’s grown up just as petulant and irrational as he was when he was thirteen in the books.”