Mötley Crüe frontman Tommy Lee took to Twitter and reposted a letter warning supporters of President Donald Trump would face “pay back” if the Democrats win back the White House. The missive ended with the threat that the payback would see a “gargantuan metal mountain” made of confiscated guns “emblazoned with the face of Hillary Clinton.”

The text, which Daily Mail reports appeared on Reddit last year, escalates with every sentence, offering increasingly declarations of how the Left would get its revenge on supporters of the Trump administration.

“You Trumpsters better pray that liberals never gain control of the WH again,” the letter reads, “because we are going to pay you back so fucking hard for all of this shit.” The letter proposes “Planned Parenthoods on every damn corner,” and repainting Air Force One “pussy hat pink” for aerial deliveries of “birth control pills, condoms, and atheist literature from the cockpit.”

“We’re going to tax your mega churches so bad Joel Olsteen(sic) will need to get a job at Chik Fil A to pay his light bill,” it continues.


By the end, the letter describes a “gargantuan metal mountain” made of confiscated guns, “emblazoned with the face of Hillary Clinton.” Lee’s tweet of the letter drew over 30,000 likes and thousands of replies as of the time of this writing. Responses range from people telling him to leave the country, to messages of support.

Tommy Lee later added a follow-up tweet, excusing himself to “go take a trump!!!”

This article has been updated to note that Tommy Lee reposted the letter, which reportedly appeared on Reddit, from his Twitter account.