Actress Debra Messing pleaded with The Nation contributing writer Aaron Maté to “Vote Blue No Matter Who” to defeat President Donald Trump in 2020, in what was a contentious war of words that even saw shots fired at Messing from actress Susan Sarandon.

The blue-on-blue battle between Messing and Sarandon ramped up (again) over a week ago when the Will & Grace star said “Hey Susan Sarandon, how are you liking the revolution?”

(Some context: The two stars have a longstanding beef dating back to Sarandon refusing to support Hillary Clinton’s failed bid against Trump in 2016. Sarandon backed Bernie Sanders, whose Democratic primary loss to Clinton split the party over suspensions that the DNC favored Clinton (which it did) over the Vermont senator. Sarandon never endorsed Clinton. And Trump’s victory over Clinton continues to fuel this social media melee). 

Radical leftist activist Linda Sarsour defended Sarandon against Messing’s attack about enjoying the “revolution” — a not-so-subtle swipe at the longtime celebrity supporter of Sanders, who’s long-called for a political revolution in America.

“The question is ‘Would we have children in cages BUT FOR Trump.’ If you say yes, you are being willfully ignorant,” Debra Messing replied to Sarsour. “A celebrity Campaigning for a 3rd party candidate even when Bernie saw the danger of a racist, misogynistic Trump and said “You must vote for Hillary” shows.”

Insert Maté, who insisted that it was Messing who’s “being willfully ignorant: there were children in cages under Obama.” Maté’s tweet included a photo of Obama-era dentation facilities housing caged illegal immigrants.

Messing replied to Maté, “FYI- Hillary RAN on Ending family detention. The POINT is to STOP all of Trump’s torture and rolling back of rights. #voteBlueNoMatterWho.”

Sarandon fired back at Messing by sending her a tweet Maté posted that featured a video of Hillary Clinton saying illegal immigrants “should be sent back [to their country of origin] after it can be determined who responsible adults in their families are.”

President Trump signed an executive order ending his administration’s zero tolerance policy — which existed from April 2018 until June 2018 — of separating adults from minors who illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico border. Some 2,654 immigrant children were separated during that period.

Jerome Hudson is Breitbart News Entertainment Editor and author of the forthcoming book 50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know, from HarperCollins. Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter @jeromeehudson.