Former James Bond star Pierce Brosnan has conceded President Donald Trump has helped America’s economy, pointing out the nation’s high levels of employment as a positive aspect of his administration.

In an interview with ITK, Brosnan was asked whether he ever planned to make good on his pledge to leave the country over Trump’s leadership.

“I think what he’s done for the economy is very good,” he said. “People are working, and that’s a step in the right direction.”

“This country is part of my life,” he continued. “I’m an American citizen. I love America and America’s been very good to me. And I want to see happiness come back into our society.”

Brosnan’s praise coincides with a CNBC poll released on Wednesday that found 49 percent of people approve of the Trump economy, the highest in 2019.

However, the known environmentalist urged Trump to heed the “rallying call of young people” on the issue of climate change.

“He has to get out of the coal business, the oil business,” he explained. “It’s just devouring the Earth around us. And there are other ways. We’ve seen it from other societies, other cultures.”

In September, the 66-year-old lavished praise on teen environmental activist Greta Thunberg, describing her as a “magnificent young woman,” but warned that she needed to be protected by those around her.

Brosnan took a far less compromising view of Trump in an interview with The Mail on Sunday last year, declaring that he had “torn this country apart” and that time may be running out on his presidency. In his most recent interview, he refused to reveal who he would be supporting in next year’s presidential election.

“I’m biding my time on that one,” he said. “We shall see.”

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