Better Call Saul star Michael McKean has branded Mike Huckabee a “Christmas Cracker” after the former Governor of Arkansas posted a photo of himself holding a rifle after enjoying a duck hunt.

“I believe first day in heaven will be flooded timber duck hunt,” Huckabee wrote on Twitter Monday. “Spent the morning in duck woods of Arkansas with .12 gauge [Benelli] semi-auto shotgun preparing by hunting with friends.”

“UK pals: when WE say “Christmas cracker”, this is what we mean,” Michael McKean said in response to Huckabee’s message.

According to Urban Dictionary, a Christmas Cracker can be used as an insult to describe a “large jagged turd, the product of overindulgence.”

Huckabee has previously explained his passion for the sport, declarings his home state Arkansas as the “holy grail of duck hunting.”

“A crisp clear morning on the Arkansas prairie, standing next to a tree in flooded hardwood timber waiting in the stillness before sunrise, is as close to heaven as one can get without dying,” he said in 2011.

Michael McKean, who is best known for his role in the mockumentary This is Spinal Tap, often uses his Twitter account to rail against conservatives. In July, he even urged Republican lawmakers to physically attack Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL).

“Isn’t there one Republican in the House with enough strength of character to throw a glass of piss at Matt Gaetz?” he wrote at the time.

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